Place a bet with 4 selection or more.
Above 1.2 odds per each selection is required.
Get up to 100% WIN Boost
Those of you who take pleasure in betting on Winner will want to take advantage of this possibility. Participate in the activity each day in order to receive the award you are due.
It is important to take note that the minimum odds for a wager are 1.2.
How to be eligible to get the bonus:
Terms & Conditions
Min Selection / % of the Bonus |
4 game 5% |
5 game 10% |
6 games 15% |
7 games 20% |
8 games 25% |
9 games 30% |
10 games 35% |
11 games 40% |
12 games 45% |
13 games 50% |
14 games 55% |
15 games 60% |
16 games 65% |
17 games 70% |
18 games 75% |
19 games 80% |
20 games 85% |
21 games 90% |
22 games 95% |
23+ games 100% |
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